
Monday, September 13, 2010

Russell: The wilderness must be explored! Caw-caw, rawwwr!

can you resist this?

i caaaaan't

meaning of life

Sunday, September 12, 2010


i recently opened this website : www.amazingposts.com and i found this very interesting video about the meaning of life.recently many people don't know about what their life supposed to be, how to make it more meaningful.actually,you can find the meaning in something common,it only how you do it. so,you should watch it,it's very inspiring

lots of love,

my holiday and the dvd

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

my ramadhan holiday started with stayed at home. really bored actually but i spent it with some dvds and snacks hehe. and i recently watched this movie (film lama bgt ini sebenernya)
actually i've already watched this film. but when i stuck with my stack of dvds. and tetreretet* i found this dvd. sooo, because i felt that i forgot about the story, i re-watched this dvd again. it's all about a girl that actually a princess of genovia, but she didn't realize. because no one told her, and her life is a way too far to be a princess, malah dia dibully di sekolah and not a kind of popular girl. terus tiba2 neneknya yg merupakan queen of genovia dateng dan ngasih tau semuanya ke dia. dia akhirnya harus milih antara hidup normal atau ikut dalam kehidupan istananya. hemmm maybe you think such a ordinary story. bu i really enjoyed it
here's some captured scene

and this is my favourite conversation, i wish someday i can have it :)

the pictures is from google


dvd kedua yang gue tonton adalah hot fuzz. setelah berkutat dengan film yang sedikit serius,hadirlah hot fuzz sebagai penyegar, sebagai komedi segar yang tidak hanya lewat untuk ditonton tetapi juga membuat penonton berpikir dan berusaha menebak jalan ceritanya. berbeda dengan film amerika kebanyakan yang lebih menonjolkan dalam segi efek pada film,seperti ledakan-ledakan yang luar biasa,aksi-aksi sulit dalam mobil kayak ngebut-ngebutan dan sebagainya. sesuatu yang kebanyakan dianggap keren karena efek luar
biasa kadang-kadang menimbukan beberapa bloopers. hot fuzz menghadirkan aksi-aksi sederhana dengan gerakan detail,seperti pada saat membuka pintu,adegan dibuat dengan detail dan efek suara yang pas. detail dibuat pada hal-hal kecil yang kadang tidak diperhatikan penonton. Itulah kelebihan hot fuzz menurut saya,dia mampu menghadirkan detail tanpa kesan too much.

Walaupun sekaligur kekurangan karena film-film eropa tidak menghadirkan banyak efek dahsyat,yang menjadikan film eropa dan amerika memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Alur cerita tidak monoton dan sedikit tidak terduga. Dimulai dari pemindahan polisi ke daerah kecil, Sergeant Nicholas Angel ke kota kecil,padahal dia sangat berdedikasi. Dan dengan segera dia berhasil menyelesaikan kasus- kasus tanpa luput, sampai akhirnya terjadi pembunuhan-pembunuhan misterius yang tidak terselesaikan,membuat penonton berpikir t
entang siapa pembunuhnya, sampai pada akhirnya dapat menemukan petunjuk-petunjuk kecil yang mengarah kepada pembunuhnya. penonton dapat dibawa oleh ritme film ini.

pesan yang dapat diambil dari film ini bahwa kita harus tetap aware dengan orang-orang di sekeliling kita karena kadang ada beberapa yang tak bisa dipercaya dan disini kita juga bisa belajar tentang bagaimana menjadi partner setia seseorang di saat sulit sekalipun,seperti persahabatannya dengan PC danny Butterman.


dari film-film yang gue tonton, film ini mungkin yang menyiratkan dengan jelas tentang pesan-pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan. Dengan jalan cerita yang menarik tentunya.

Unsur kebudayaan menonjol di sini,yang mengangkat kehidupan india yang menerapkan aturan bahwa orangtua harus mengorbankan banyak hal bagi kuliah anaknya demi mencapai kesuksesan. istilahnya pendidikan adalah nomor satu. Kisah ini menceritakan tentang Farhan,Raju, dan Rancho,3 mahasiswa teknik yang berniat mengejar mimpi, Banyakn sekali halangan terutama dari kepala sekolah,Viru,dan mahasiswa yang menghalalkan segala cara untuk menjadi yang terbaik,Chatur. Pada akhirnya memang Chatur lebih sukses,dan mereka mencari keberadaan Rancho,yang ternyata menjadi guru pada akhirnya.

Film bollywood tidak akan pernah lupa selalu menambahkan ciri khasnya yaitu lagu-lagu dengan tarian-tarian khasnya. Selain itu, film ini mampu menampilkan sisi humor serta terselip nilai moral tanpa bermaksud menggurui. Tidak ada efek dahsyat atau teknik-teknik camera movement yang khas, semua berjalan sesuai alur cerita dengan karakter orang-orang, yang untungnya pas dengan peran yang dimainkan.

seulas film-film pada liburan kali ini, bye!


Monday, September 6, 2010

it feels hurt



at least i've tried


Friday, August 27, 2010


sorry for not meeting and talking to you so long time.
sorry for forgetting you and too busy with what i' m done,and it's perfectly bad
sorry for asking you so many questions and begging you too much

thank you for everything you give to me,even i' m not asking

i can't say more,than thank you


Thursday, August 26, 2010


something always brings me back to you
it never takes too long


very amazing video from sara bareilles. i thought,you have to see :)

august and her birthday

Sunday, August 22, 2010


birthday girl with her presents

we wishes all the best things for youu,alvita husin

gratitude :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i feel random in this time. i don't know why. it seems that everything' s never enough and there are always reasons to keep complaining and asking, to keep dreaming but not facing the reality,to stay and not to make progress,and to wish i can repeat time because i feel the past is better than now. and there is always a reason to feel bad and down. and then i just realize, maybe i' m not gratitude enough. maybe i just need a time to thank God for everything in this time,in the present. i know maybe the condition is not good enough for me. but, i can't stop it,i can't rewind it,i just can go trough it, and to pass all these bad feelings and maybe,moments,i have to keep thanking God for everything, even for every single day that i can still live. and really, i feel better :)

i hope, you can thank God for every condition. Because you will never know if someday you miss it and regret it because you don't realize what you have. Always try to be positive.

have a nice dream

have a better tomorrow




tell you how i feel right now
make you here with me
take a walk with you
make sure that you're okay


it's red and white

Monday, August 16, 2010


happy birthday indonesia
all the best wishes for you

2years agoooo :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

i randomly miss these moments haha. utaaaaaas! walaupun agak banyak deritanya,tapi bener2 berkesan :).agak kangen dipanggil dan diteriakin "utaassssss!!" kangenkangen tp sebenernya ga mau ngulang lagi soalnya jujur,capek banget. capek nunduk,capek disuruh2,capek beli ini beli itu,capek takut. hehe but that's all worth it in the end kok. tapi ini semua cuma buat dikangenin,tapi kalo disuruh ulaang,hemmm gadeh kayaknya hehe. that's enough.

semua tingkatan di 70,mau utas aud agit punya special moment(s) yang punya arti masing2,yang punya pegalaman masing2.ga kerasa banget sekarang udah agit. *sighs*
cepet bangeeeeeet :(

dreamy carrousel


i really really want this stuff aaaaaa

buy me one,please? hemmmmmmm :)

cheeri'n up

Saturday, August 14, 2010

to anyone whose ever written a letter.
to anyone whose ever gotten a response,
and to anyone who hasn't -

you deserve all the love you're looking for,
and more. trust me.
i might not know you, but i understand you.

every time i read a letter,
i wonder why we all feel the way we do.
and then i remember -
that moment when you find love,
be it hearing three words, getting your first kiss,
or just seeing them smile back at you,
it's worth it.

every moment of doubt, of pain, of anxiousness.
every tear, every scream, every restless night.

it's all worth it, in the end.

- someone.

i love you.

blue morning

Monday, August 9, 2010


"The things I remember about you are starting to feel like a dream.

It's been that long.

I really, really miss you"

you can find other heart thoughts here

how i miss this moment(s)

Friday, August 6, 2010

one month ago
folkdance festival in denizli.turkiye

one year ago

"the best thing about the picture is that it never changes,even when the people in it do"

simply lovely


LoveGivesMeHope - FMS #1511

hardest part

Thursday, July 22, 2010


maybe, you are something that meant to be let go :)

other quotes and photographs here


Friday, July 16, 2010

just a word hello! to start this all over :)

